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About Us

COFTOG was founded in 2008-2009 by then APGO president Dr. Tim Johnson. Dr. Johnson anticipated that a group of fellowship program directors centered on the training of fellows in Obstetrics and Gynecology would provide an opportunity for collaboration and focus on fellows. The group remains focused on the broad common requirements for all fellows specifically on how fellows are taught, intermesh with resident educational initiatives, and undergraduate medical education. Additionally, COFTOG is a means for fellowship program managers to meet and share their experience, knowledge, and best practices.
COFTOG holds its annual business meeting at the CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting (CAAM) and is open to all ObGyn fellowship program directors and managers. Fellowship program managers also have many opportunities at CAAM to meet, learn, and network, particularly at the APMOG (Association of Program Managers in Obstetrics and Gynecology) sessions. COFTOG is a part of APMOG.

Information found on this website is subject to change at any time.

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Hello! We are the Committee on Fellowship Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology (COFTOG). COFTOG was created to establish a group of Obstetrics and Gynecology fellowship program directors and fellowship program managers on a national level in order to work together to improve our programs, educate, and support each other. 

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