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New Fellowship Director Primer

Welcome to being a fellowship director! We hope you find your new position rewarding. Please see the Fellowship Manager "Resources and Documents" tab to get an idea of the overall timeline over the course of a year: applications, interviews, ranking, offering incoming appointments, meeting fellowship educational objectives, and managing site visits. Overlay on this the research requirements and goals of your fellow and yourself. The first year will be exciting and challenging.

Your fellowship manager is one of your strongest allies and sources of support. We encourage you to meet regularly with your manager, discuss upcoming deadlines, and talk about changes in the logistics of the fellowship.

Your sub-specialty society will be an incredible support and resource. They will have content training and faculty development as well as requirements. Each society will have an education chair or the equivalent who can help with questions. At a local level, other fellowship directors may be able to help answer general questions. COFTOG is here to support you as well. Please contact us with any question you have not found the answer to, and we will help by putting you in contact with other fellowship directors or managers who can assist.

Your residency program director, residency associate program director, and residency program manager are other resources for you. Fellowships and residency are integrated now more than ever before, with their individual success depending on the other. Discussing how the fellowship integrates into the residency can help bring about high-quality clinical and educational experiences for your fellows.

Finally, your division director, your chair, and your GME office can be important supports for your fellowship. Working to understand the goals of the division, department, and institution can create opportunities for your trainees and help you plan the future of your fellowship.

COFTOG is the place to come for inter-specialty projects and support.

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